Daily Health Tips

Sleep your way to health and happiness

Growing up my father would insist that i go to bed at 8pm. I used to fight it so much. Especially as i got into my teenage years and his answer would always be the same, good sleep is the most important thing you can give to your body and mind. Obviously i didn’t get this at the time, and reluctantly i would give in to it.
I realised later, It was really simple, sleep effects every cell in your body. if you are well rested you are really operating at a different level of focus of emotional, physical and mental reflexes.

Sleep is as important to our wellbeing as eating, drinking and breathing. Food is important, but the benefits of good nights rest is beyond that. When we get a good nights rest on a regular basis it fosters both mental and emotional resilience and it allows our bodies to repair themselves and our brains to process all that has happened during the day.

Over the years like most of us, i have pushed my own limits when it comes to insufficient sleep. I could handle it some days, rely heavily on caffeine and thought it was perfectly normal to do so since everyone around me was behaving the same way i was. I didn’t realise how the lack of sleep was causing havoc to my immune system, weight and mental health. I was the girl with the permanent cold and a permanent headache! I realised it was the lack of sleep at night that made me moody the next day and over time messed sleep patterns only deteriorated more than my morning mood.

Having said that, it took me some years to really listen to my fathers age old wisdom and sleep my way to more sleep.
I made a choice of choosing a night of sleep over anything else i was invited to. (Trust me i got slack, but i was my own care taker and i needed to make myself my priority).
In a matter of days, things started changing for me. My skin started clearing up, i was less irritable,less anxious and negative, i ate better, i started exercising more and whats more i was more focused and productive at work and not drinking endless cups of coffee! And i felt happy, content.

Now that i am in my 40’s and have children of my own, i can say without a doubt the best thing I’ve done for myself (and for my children) is to have a sleep routine and slow down my body and prepare it for rest and repair for the night ahead. Im proud to say that i’ve slept my way to seeing the improvement in my personal health and happiness.

Here are some simple ways to improve sleep:-

A regular bedtime and waking time are essential
avoiding stimulants before going to bed (cigarettes, alcohol and caffeine)
having enough exercise during the day
eating well during the day and ensuring you are adequately hydrated also
removing all electronics from the bedroom or putting it away from your bedside and on airplane mode. This is one of the major cause of sleep disruptions
a clutter free bedroom
warm bath before bedtime
deep breathing while in bed. Close your eyes and focus on the inhalation and exhalation of your breadth.

Benefits of regular 8 hours of sleep:-

weight control because hormones that help regulate appetite and other bodily functions are released.
better immunity. Internal organs rest, repair and recover.
better sports performance
better mood and improved well being, heightened awareness and creativity.
controlled blood pressure
healthy heart

If you are not on any medication and have good health yet are having trouble sleeping i do suggest trying one of the simple tips to help you sleep better. Be patient and kind with yourself. This is a form of self care which when looked after has multitude of benefits on the rest of the body and mind.

Wishing you a restful night of sweet dreams 🙂

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